Two filmmakers chasing the dream of producing their first feature film...
...and financing it solely through winning video contests.

Mofilm is putting on an ad contest for the Tribeca film festival that features 12 top brands and tens of thousands of dollars in prizes. Will and I are going to create four commercials for the contest and hope that one, or all, are chosen. Our Yoplait ad was made for a mofilm contest, and that didn't work out so well, so keep your fingers crossed.

If we are not successful in placing, and winning copious amounts of cash, then I am hanging up my advertising coat and replacing it with my narrative one. I have spent a little over a year making commercials but, although fulfilling at times, nothing can beat my love of narrative film. I have re-evaluated my goals and doing advertisements out of pocket is just not cutting it anymore. If I am out of pocket on projects I want to start learning how to put together a feature, and the best way to do that is by creating short films, not ads.


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