Two filmmakers chasing the dream of producing their first feature film...
...and financing it solely through winning video contests.


The Voting Dilemma

One of the reasons that Jake and I set up this blog and our mailing list was to consolidate our voting base.

That way we would have a major edge over the competition in any voting based competition, especially if we managed to grow our base to the thousands.

... and while we still get a core group of people voting, the ironic thing is that the solicitations for votes may be DWINDLING our base. The more contests we enter, the less people are interested in signing up and voting-- it can be annoying to put in the same info for four different websites.

This is why we're trying our best to incentive-ize voting for our stuff, most recently by offering $500 to whoever can get the most votes for our latest video (if we win, of course). So this is a constant struggle for us, trying to keep people interested in what we're doing.

So did that grab your attention when you received our email? Did it provide enough incentive for you to vote? What WOULD provide you with incentive to vote? Let us know.


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