Two filmmakers chasing the dream of producing their first feature film...
...and financing it solely through winning video contests.

What always rubs me the wrong way in video contests, and the internet in general, is people getting nasty in the video comments.

Yes it's a competition, but rarely do you see, for example, amateur sports teams verbally abuse each other before a match. There's always tension in competition, but with video contests it's another story entirely.

What I've found is that the amount of digital vitriol in these contests is directly proportionate to the amount of viewer voting required by the contest. The arbitrary importance given to viewer voting, which tragically reduces ANY contest to little more than a popularity contest, brings out the absolute worst in people-- from cheating, to accusations of cheating, to vicious critiques not only of the videos, but of the people that created them. All this so that Logitech or Coke or Nestle can get a few dozen more email addresses for their coffers.

Before I get off course, I want to point out that it doesn't have to be this way. That YOU, yes YOU have the power to turn the tide of these online feeding frenzies. You can stop the shitshow before it ever begins.

Simply by being polite.

Seems straightforward enough, and it is, however the first part of "being polite" is that I write an anonymous comment on my OWN entry giving a seemingly objective, but positive, opinion on my piece. That may seem manipulative and dishonest, but it does something magical that people respond to-- it sets a precedent for others showing how any stranger should approach and interpret my work: RESPECTFULLY.

The second part of the dastardly "politeness" strategy, is that I view the other videos and compliment some of my favorites on their strong points. It's amazing the effect this has on the feedback you receive and the feedback others receive after you.

It's also a little scary... because it can swing just as horribly in the other direction if things start off negative. It seems with human beings it's all about momentum-- people respond to what has come before them. I have really enjoyed participating in the Butterfinger competition thus far because there has been a healthy, supportive energy between the contestants. I enjoy competition, but I hate when all of the creative energy and hard work get undermined by negative commentary. It's late, I need to get to sleep. Didn't know I'd write that much. Hope you enjoyed it.



Prince Gomolvilas said...

What are you? A hippie?

Will said...

And proud of it

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